The Gathering Place
The Tema Ghana Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has powerful resources that can bless the lives of individuals and families across the world. These resources include self-reliance principles, connecting families through family history, improving marriages, strengthening parents, helping members and their friends of all faiths live a full and abundant life through Jesus Christ. The gathering place is a venue to help these children of God achieve their God-given potentials. The YSA Gathering Place is really a home away from home. Whether you are a student or non-student, a member of the Tema Ghana Stake or not – ages 18 – 30 years, you are warmly welcome home.
Get Involved
There are many ways to get involved at The Gathering Place. From Self-Reliance workshops and courses, Institute classes, Institute Choir, Dances, Socials, Sports and Recreation to Service Projects and Group Temple Trips.
Stop by for more information and even join the Gathering Place Council to be a part of the planning and decision making when it comes to determine the details!
The YSA Gathering Place Council
Here at The Gathering Place, a lot is happening and we want YOU to be a part of it! What better way to get involved, serve, and make friends than by joining The Gathering Place Council. Below are some of the committees you can be a part of:
- Technology: Set up and run tech equipment for Devotionals, and other Institute activities (no experience needed).
- Just Serve: Organize and invite people to activities and service opportunities.
- Publicity: Create designs, use social media and photography to promote the institute and events.
- Proclaim the Gospel: Opportunities to share the gospel; working with missionaries and students in the various wards.
- Feed My Sheep: Help organize the many food events to feed the masses at Institute gatherings.
- Dances: Help plan, organize and set up our dances.
- Campus Relations: Work with and track YSAs in various schools and colleges to promote institute and have Inter-Faith activities and lunches.
- Ambassadors: Be a communication link between the Institute and Wards.
Other Activities