Sunday, November 26th, the Tema Ghana Stake Gathering Place was filled with enthusiastic Young Single Adults (YSAs) for a special devotional with the Africa West Area President, Elder S. Gifford Nielson, and his wife, Sister Wendy Nielson.
The Tema Stake Choir set the tone and lifted the spirits of the audience with a captivating performance. Their harmonious voices singing heartfelt renditions of hymns, along with vocal and flute solo performances, created an atmosphere of reverence and anticipation for the messages to come.

Sister Wendy Nielson was the first speaker with insightful remarks on the vital importance of personal integrity wherever we find ourselves, and the impact it has on building the gospel around us. She emphasized the power of constantly and consistently living a life that aligns with gospel principles, especially when faced with challenges and temptations. Her words resonated with the YSAs, encouraging them to strive for unwavering integrity in their daily lives.

President Nielson, the keynote speaker, delved into the mysteries of God’s plan for Africa and its immense potential to contribute to the growth of the gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide. He spoke with conviction about the unique role that Africa plays in God’s grand tapestry and challenged the YSAs to ponder on the teachings found in Mosiah 1-5, emphasizing the importance of being a light to the world. He urged them to embrace their potential and play an active role in fulfilling God’s plan for Africa as leaders, not just in the future, but now.

The devotional concluded with a renewed sense of purpose and direction among the YSAs. They left the gathering center feeling empowered to live with integrity, embrace their potential, and become beacons of light in the world- contributing to the growth and spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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