Among the three pillars of the Africa West Area goals for the year is Strengthening the Rising Generation. The rising generation will be stronger as they research and learn about past generations and their own family stories through family history.
On Saturday, May 13, 2023 the Tema Ghana Stake youth leadership organized a special activity that sought to connect the rising generation with past generations. Various stations featured different activities to accomplish this.
The first station was named The Family Tree. Here the youth filled out their family tree using the My Family books. This was a special experience for many of the youth and the spirit of Elijah was manifested, particularly for those who did not have the privilege to know their great-grandparents and for some even their grandparents in this life. The spirit was felt as interest in their family members increased and they were inspired to learn more, some even calling their parents to gather additional information right away. We believe connecting youth with their immediate and extended family members and their life stories is one of the first steps to increasing our youth’s sense of identity and belonging. It’s also an important step to providing saving ordinances that will link our families eternally.

The second station gave youth the opportunity to recite the youth theme and discuss the new For the Strength of Youth booklet. The spirit was again stronger as youth after youth reaffirmed their knowledge about their divine nature and destiny, and their trust in the Lord as they stated with full conviction, “I can do all things through Christ!”
The third station guided youth in setting goals as directed by The Children and Youth Program. For many youth, this was the first time they had utilized the CYD program to set goals. It was inspiring to see the thoughtful, sincere goals being set. From “reading the Book of Mormon every day” to “eating more fruits and vegetables,” the youth were following the example of our Savior as they set goals that will lead them to “increase in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.”

Lastly, at the computer station, the youth set up their very own accounts. It was a wonderful sight to behold as youth who already had accounts quickly jumped in to help others. Many immediately began inputting family names.
The program concluded with a meal and treats that provided further socializing and fellowshipping. The spirit throughout the entire program was powerful. Indeed, the spirit of Elijah was felt by all in attendance. I know the Lord loves these youth and loves when they do things that bring them closer to Him. This was the start of habits that, with consistency, can stay with them throughout their lives; drawing them to the covenant path and closer to the Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Brother Eric Wood
Stake Young Men President
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