My name is Sister Zwennes, and I hail from Ghana, currently serving in the Cape Verde Praia Mission. Looking back to 2017, after completing high school, I moved to Accra-Ghana to live with my sister and brother-in-law. During that time, my brother-in-law introduced the topic of missionary work to me. However, I felt hesitant and lacked the desire to embark on such a path. Undeterred, my family supported me in obtaining my patriarchal blessings, believing that one day the spirit would guide me towards missionary service.
Over the years, while pursuing my education and working, I experienced a persistent and profound calling to engage in missionary work. I knew it was time to heed the voice that beckoned me towards this divine service. Through sincere prayer, studying inspiring talks, and seeking divine guidance, a conference address by Prophet Nelson resonated deeply within me, confirming that it was time to embark on this sacred journey.
With newfound determination, I wholeheartedly dedicated myself to the cause of missionary work, realizing that I needed to share the joy of the gospel and help others come unto Christ. Reflecting on the blessings and positive transformations I had experienced as a member of His church, I felt indebted to God, inspiring me to declare boldly, “I will go and do the things which the Lord has commanded me” –1 Nephi 3:7. My confidence and assurance grew as I embraced my identity and purpose through the teachings of the Church.
The scripture verse, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and everything will be given” (Matthew 6:33), instilled in me a sense of duty and dispelled any lingering fears. When I shared my calling with my sister and brother-in-law during a family home evening, they were amazed. Encouragingly, they supported me in prayer and offered their assistance to fulfill my missionary aspirations. My brother-in-law, who was then the Bishop of the Tema Ward 1 in Tema Ghana Stake, continued guiding me with relevant talks and counsel, even after his release from the position.
With the support of my family, I approached my Stake President, completed the necessary preparations, and underwent my endowment. As the days passed, my excitement soared, leading to the moment when I received my mission call—an experience beyond words.
For anyone facing uncertainty but feeling the desire to serve, I urge you to rely on the guidance of the Spirit. “All things which are good cometh from God” (Moroni 7:12), and through faith, even after numerous years, I embarked on this missionary journey. The blessings and experiences that followed are immeasurable, and I am forever grateful for the opportunity.
Through this journey, I have come to know that my Heavenly Father loves and supports me in my aspirations for greatness. My unshakeable testimony in the truthfulness of the scriptures and the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is a firm foundation. The Book of Mormon serves as an additional testament to the divinity of Jesus Christ.
Embracing the divine commission of the Lord wanting me to “go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Ghost: ‘lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen (Matthew 28:19-20), I am confident in my ability to fulfill this sacred duty, just as you can too. So, let us all “GO AND DO” the Lord’s work with determination and love for our fellow beings.
May this testimonial inspire you to seek divine guidance and embrace your unique journey in serving God and spreading His message of love and hope.
– Sister Maame Efua K. Zwennes

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