Coming Closer to Jesus Christ: 2023 Stake Youth Conference at the Old MTC

Coming Closer to Jesus Christ: 2023 Stake Youth Conference at the Old MTC

The year 2023 witnessed an extraordinary gathering of the youth in our stake, as they came together under the theme “Coming Closer to Jesus Christ.” The event, held at the Old Missionary Training Center (MTC), was presided over by the Stake Presidency, accompanied by the Stake Young Men and Young Women Presidency. This day-long youth conference aimed to strengthen their faith, foster friendships, and encourage personal growth across various dimensions of their lives.

The program was divided into four sections were the youth rotated between until they had gone through all four. These were Spiritual, Social, Physical and Intellectual

A Spiritual Quest: Knowledge and Faith Unite

One of the highlights of the conference was the Spiritual section, where the youth were organized into groups of four, fostering collaboration and camaraderie. Engaging in a lively quiz session, they showcased their understanding of the Restoration of the Church, the parables, hymns, and the life of Jesus Christ. Points were earned for correct answers, infusing a spirit of friendly competition while deepening their knowledge of gospel principles.

Forging Connections: Socializing with Purpose

In the Social segment, the youth delved into the art of meaningful socialization. They openly shared experiences, thoughts, and insights, weaving a beautiful tapestry of their diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Inspired by their interactions, they collaboratively created a unique bingo game that reflected their shared stories, aspirations, and connections. This engaging activity underscored the importance of building lasting friendships within the community.

Strengthening Bodies and Teams: Thriving through Physical Challenges

The Physical aspect of the conference brought exhilaration and teamwork to the forefront. The youth wholeheartedly participated in a series of field activities including races, tug of war, bucket filling, and an array of tag team games. Each game emphasized the significance of mutual support, cooperation, and trust – vital qualities not only for athletic success but also for navigating life’s challenges together.

Unleashing Creativity: Intellectual Ventures into Engineering

The Intellectual section provided a platform for the youth to explore their innovative potential. Armed with straws, plastic cups, and paper tape, they embarked on an engineering challenge: crafting a structure that could protect an egg from breaking during a daring drop from great heights. This activity not only sparked their intellectual curiosity but also fostered problem-solving skills and collaborative thinking.

The 2023 Stake Youth Conference at the Old MTC was a resounding success, leaving an indelible mark on all who participated. As the youth rotated through these enriching sections – Spiritual, Social, Physical, and Intellectual – they not only deepened their relationship with Jesus Christ but also cultivated friendships, honed life skills, and embraced personal growth.

This event was a testimony to the vibrant spirit of unity and purpose that defines our stake’s youth. As they departed from the conference, each young participant carried with them a strengthened commitment to “Come Closer to Jesus Christ” in every facet of their lives. The lessons learned, memories made, and bonds forged during this extraordinary day will undoubtedly guide and inspire them on their spiritual journey ahead.

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