Member Devotional with Brian Ashton, president of BYU Pathway Worldwide

Member Devotional with Brian Ashton, president of BYU Pathway Worldwide

On November 2, members of the Tema Ghana Stake, sister stakes and friends of the church gathered at the Tema Ghana Stake Center for a spiritually enriching and educational experience. The special guest for the evening was President Brian Ashton, President of BYU Worldwide. Accompanied by President Todd Miner (Vice President of Field Operations, BYU-PW), brother Rory Bigelow (Associate Administrator, Seminaries and Institutes) and brother Victor Ukorebi (International Area Manager, BYU-PW), this devotional was a testament to the commitment of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to God’s great plan for education and how they are actively participating in its fulfilment.

The theme of the evening centered around education and the opportunities it provides in strengthening one’s faith and building a brighter future. President Brian Ashton shared insights about the remarkable initiatives of BYU Worldwide, particularly BYU Pathway, a program designed to make higher education more accessible to students around the world.

President Ashton’s message was clear: Being established is essential as it means that we live in an exalted state with Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ and education is also key to achieving this state. Education is not only a means of personal development but also a way to align oneself with God’s divine plan. He discussed several key points that highlighted the unique advantages of studying under BYU Pathway.

He emphasized the affordability of education through BYU Worldwide. He explained that the programs offered through BYU Pathway are exceptionally cost-effective, making higher education attainable for individuals from diverse economic backgrounds. Additionally, he highlighted the availability of scholarships, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder one’s pursuit of knowledge and spiritual growth.

The reduction in the number of credits required to obtain a degree from 120 to 90 was also brought up. This change was implemented to help students reach their educational goals more quickly, allowing them to serve and contribute to their communities sooner while still receiving a quality education.

President Brian Ashton also discussed the remarkable job opportunities that become available to students while pursuing their education through BYU Pathway. This practical approach enables students to gain real-world experience and financial independence while working towards their degree and after completion of the BYU pathway program

Following president Ashton’s inspiring address, a question-and-answer session provided an opportunity for attendees to express their concerns and receive satisfying answers. Many shared their inquiries regarding various aspects of BYU Pathway, from program structure to job readiness. The detailed and compassionate responses reassured the audience that this educational endeavor is a well-rounded and supportive opportunity for those who embark on it.

The event at the Tema Ghana Stake Center was not just a gathering of Latter-day Saints but an illustration of how education can serve as a vehicle for spiritual growth and personal development. The teachings of the gospel and the principles of education were interwoven to demonstrate that both are integral components of a fulfilling and faithful life.

In a world where education plays a pivotal role in shaping one’s future, the initiatives of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints through BYU Worldwide are a beacon of hope for individuals striving to follow God’s great plan for their lives.

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